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Dual Language

Anna ISD is excited to announce the opening of the One Way Dual Language Program to all of our incoming Pre-K and Kindergarten students who meet the state’s qualification standard for qualification to the required Bilingual Education Program.  Starting in 2019-2020, the Dual Language program will phase out the Early Exit Bilingual Education Model.


Dual language immersion/one-way is a bilingual/biliteracy program model in which students identified as English learners are served in both English and another language and are prepared to meet reclassification criteria in order to be successful in English-only instruction not earlier than six or later than seven years after the student enrolls in school.


Instruction provided in a language other than English in this program model is delivered by a teacher appropriately certified in bilingual education under TEC, §29.061. Instruction provided in English in this program model may be delivered either by a teacher appropriately certified in bilingual education or by a different teacher certified in ESL in accordance with TEC §29.061.


Anna ISD’s Dual Language Program promotes bilingualism, bi-literacy, and sociocultural competency through the instruction of academic content in two languages over the course of at least six years.  This enriched environment creates an opportunity for students to develop listening, speaking ,reading and writing skills in both Spanish and English. The goals of the program include:


The Anna ISD Dual Language program provides 50% of instruction in Spanish and 50% of instruction in English to Spanish-speaking English language learners. The language of instruction is dependent on the content area. Instruction in both Spanish and English incorporates the required academic standards established by the State of Texas and Anna ISD enabling students to become biliterate and proficient in both languages by the end of 5th grade.

Students from PreK - Kindergarten grade that are participating in a bilingual education program are doing so through the Dual Language Immersion/One-Way model. The program will roll up to 1st grade for the 2020-2021 school year. The plan is for the program to continue to progress with that cohort of students until they reach 5th grade.

Dual Language Brochure - English, Spanish

  • Bilingualism - The development of high levels of proficiency in the student’s first and second language
  • Bi-literacy - The performance at or above grade level in academic areas in both languages.
  • Multiculturalism - To understand different cultures and the development of high self-esteem.