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Health & Wellness

Your Child's Health Matters

The Anna ISD Health Services staff believes that the ability for students to learn is directly related to the status of their health. Students with unmet health needs will have a difficult time engaging in the educational process. 

When to Keep Your Child Home

Children who have the following symptoms should stay home and not come to school until these symptoms have been gone for at least 24 hours without the help of medication.

A child with a typical cold but no fever or green drainage may come to school.

  • Fever (100 degrees or higher)
  • Sore Throat (with fever or swollen neck)
  • Episode of Vomiting or Diarrhea 
  • Rash (with fever and itching)
  • Conjunctivitis/Pink Eye (your child can attend school 24 hours after starting medical treatment)

When a Student Becomes Ill at School

If a student becomes ill during the school day, he or she must receive permission from the teacher before reporting to the school nurse. If the nurse determines that the child should go home, the nurse will contact the parent.