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Special Education Transportation

Transportation for special education is a related service that provides eligible students with disabilities access to their educational programs and services. In order to receive transportation as a related service, the ARD/IEP committee must document eligibility and need. Eligibility for special education transportation must be re-established at every annual ARD and each time a student changes residence or campus.  

Special education transportation originates at the campus level. Once the campus determines you qualify for special education transportation, campus staff will submit a request. The transportation department receives the request and will contact the parent. After verification, we place your child on a route.

Initial placements and subsequent changes can take up to 72 hours to complete.

All transportation changes must be sent to your child’s campus. The staff will coordinate any changes to your child’s transportation directly with us.

If your child will be absent, please call the transportation department and cancel transportation at 972.924.1800. To request permanent cancellation, please contact the special services department.

Helpful phone numbers:

Special Services: 972.924.1016
Transportation: 972.924.1800