Special Education Transition Services
Transition Services
Transition services are a coordinated set of activities that focus on activities or courses of study available in high school that will facilitate students' movement toward their post-high school goals, including Post-secondary education, vocational education, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing adult education, adult services, independent living, or community participation. Transition services are based on the individual child's needs and take into account the child's strengths, preferences, and interests; and includes instruction, related services, community experiences, the development of employment and other post-school adult living objectives; and if appropriate, acquisition of daily living skills and provision of a functional vocational evaluation. Transition planning begins on or before the student's 14th birthday and continues on an annual basis for as long as the child receives special education services. Once transition planning begins, the student is invited to participate in each annual ARD meeting.
It is never too early to begin planning for your child's future. Interest lists for many community-based services often have wait-lists of 20 years or more. Many of these services are NOT income-based. Even if you are not sure if your child will need to access these services it is best to get on the list as soon as possible. You will always have the option to decline services if you are not interested in the future. A full explanation of services can be found at Texas Health and Human Services.
To get your child on the wait-list for Medicaid home and community-based waiver programs follow these steps:
- Call Life Path Systems, our local authority in Collin county, at 972-727-9133. Ask for an intake specialist and tell them that you would like to place your child on the Medicaid waiver program interest list. They will help place you on the HCS and Texas Home Living lists. Ask to be sent written confirmation that your child is on the list.
- Call the Department of Aging & Disability Services Interest List at 877-438-5658. Tell them that you would like to place your child on the Medicaid waiver program interest list. They will help place you on the CLASS (Community Living Assistance & Support Services Program) and MDCP (Medically Dependent Children's Program) lists. Ask to be sent written confirmation that your child is on the list.
- You should receive annual notification of your placement on the list. This will follow your child anywhere you move within the state of Texas but be sure to report any changes in address
Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) Services
Click on the links below to learn about the services TWC can offer to support your students in the community.
TWC Vocational Rehabilitation Information
TWC Vocational Rehabilitation Applicant Guide
Beth Tolleson
AHS Educational Diagnostician
Texas Transition and Employment Guide
Texas SPED Support for Transition
Transition/ Texas SPED Support