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Response to Intervention (RtI)

RtI is a tiered process of targeted interventions for struggling students.  As a student progresses up the Tier Levels of interventions, group sizes decrease, and intensity of intervention increases. 

Tier 1: Whole group instruction and classroom management within the classroom.  Teachers use research-based effective teaching practices.  Instruction is differentiated for the evolving needs of students.  

Tier 2: Small group instruction or behavioral intervention within or outside the classroom.  

Tier 3: Provides a more intensive and individualized intervention in small group or one-to-one formats outside the classroom.  

The elements of tier 1 instruction continue to be provided throughout tier 2 and tier 3 interventions.  

Under Texas Education Code §26.004 and  §26.0081, parents must receive notification for each child receiving intervention strategies to support academic or behavioral improvement. An, “intervention strategy” is an individualized educational approach, above what is generally used with all children, that targets a specific area of academic or behavioral need. 

The need for additional assistance is determined by the campus Response to Intervention (RtI) committee and is based on multiple sources of data, including grades, MAP testing, STAAR testing, EOC testing, district benchmarks, progress monitors, work samples, observations, teacher input, and parent input.  

RtI Contacts

Bryant- Rebecca Rollins
RSE- Garrett Meek
Rattan- Claire Cole
Harlow- Jenne Keating
Clemons Creek- Shannon Davis and Zachary Hartman
Slayter Creek- Ranz Nelson
AHS- Michael Blankenship