Parent Guides and Resources
Parent Directed Special Education Services (PDSES)
The Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES) program, previously, the Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) program is a one-time $1,500 online grant for parents/guardians of eligible students served by special education and who are enrolled in a Texas public school. Parents/guardians of eligible students can use the online accounts to shop the marketplace to obtain educational materials and resources such as textbooks, curriculum, or technology devices and/or services such as additional speech therapy, tutoring, or other specific services.
TEA Webpage for PDSES
TEA Resources on Special Education in Texas
The documents on this TEA link were created by TEA as general resources for families on the topics of Dyslexia, IDEA, MTSS, and Section 504.
TEA Webpage for Resources
Senate Bill 139 Notice to Families
In 2019, the 86th Texas Legislature passed Senate Bill 139 (SB 139), which requires Texas local education agencies (LEAs) to distribute the following notice to parents:
Updates to Special Education (English)
Updates to Special Education (Spanish)
To request an evaluation for special education, please contact one of your child's campus administrators.
Compensatory Special Education Services
Compensatory services are used to help students make up for progress or skills they lost when their special education services were not provided. Please click the link below from TEA for more information:
Information for Families (English)
Information for Families (Spanish)
The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.
Contact information:
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Live Chat:
The Legal Framework
Visit The Legal Framework to obtain copies of Notice of Procedural Safeguards and Parent's Guide to the ARD Process.
State and Federal Activity Updates Regarding Significant Disproportionality Requirements
State and Federal Activity Updates Regarding Significant Disproportionality (