Homebound Services
Homebound services are provided to students enrolled in Anna ISD who are expected to be confined to home or a hospital for a minimum of four consecutive weeks due to a medical or mental health condition. Homebound services may also be provided to students with chronic conditions who are expected to be confined at home or a hospital for any period of time totaling at least four weeks throughout the school year. Eligibility for homebound services must be documented by a physician or psychiatrist licensed to practice in the United States. Homebound services are provided to students who meet the eligibility requirements through either a Section 504 plan or a Special Education IEP.
Qualifications for Homebound
1. The student is required to stay at home or in the hospital for a minimum of four weeks (which do not need to be consecutive) due to a medical or mental health condition identified by a physician or psychiatrist licensed in the United States, and as a result of the condition, the student is unable to attend instruction on the campus.
2. The student is unable to function in the school setting at this time, even with appropriate accommodations.
3. The recommendation for homebound is based on the professional medical evaluation of the student's condition that is completed by the licensed physician or psychiatrist; however, eligibility is determined by the student's Section 504 or Special Education IEP committee.
4. The student is physically able to do school work with a homebound teacher up to four hours per week.
5. The licensed physician's or psychiatrist's report and recommendations are reviewed by the student's Section 504 or Special Education ARD committee to determine eligibility for homebound services.