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Dyslexia Services

Not all children learn to read, write and spell in the same ways. Despite conventional and appropriate classroom instruction, some students continue to struggle. Some of these students may have a reading disability known as dyslexia. Students with dyslexia may need an intervention program in addition to what they are receiving in the regular classroom to help them be successful in school. Anna Independent School District offers dyslexia services on all campuses to all students who meet eligibility criteria. Students with dyslexia will be served by a trained teacher with a program that includes evidence-based components of phonological awareness, sound-symbol association, syllabication, orthography, morphology, syntax, reading comprehension and fluency. Students with dyslexia will also be given appropriate instructional accommodations in order to be successful throughout their academic career. The Anna Independent School District follows the guidelines set forth by The Dyslexia Handbook for its local dyslexia program and guidelines.  All evaluations for dyslexia must be conducted through a full individual evaluation for special education services.

Dyslexia Intervention Programs


BUILD is a small group intervention that addresses five specific components of reading intervention. Each component is taught developmentally using a direct, systematic, cumulative, multisensory method of introduction and practice to meet the specific needs of students identified with Dyslexia. BUILD may be recommended for some students prior to entering Take Flight.  

Take Flight

Take Flight is an Orton Gillingham-based multisensory structured dyslexia curriculum for students identified with dyslexia in grades 2-12.  Intensity (small group size, extended length of sessions and treatment, individualized lessons) is what distinguishes dyslexia intervention from regular reading instruction.  Take Flight was developed by the Luke Waites Center for Dyslexia & Learning Disorders at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital.


Spire is a multisensory and intensive reading instruction for nonreaders and struggling readers that involves systematic, sequentially structured 10-step lessons that ensure the mastery of concepts in the five critical areas of reading.  The 10-step process keeps learners actively engaged so that they can learn and retain information. 


JET is a fast-paced reading intervention curriculum written by the staff of the Luke Waites Center for Dyslexia and Learning Disorders at Scottish Rite for Children.  It is designed for advanced secondary students with dyslexia to be delivered with small group instruction.  It contains the five components of effective reading instruction identified by research from the National Reading Panel: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Reading Comprehension.

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Evaluations for the related disorder of dysgraphia are completed through the special education full individual evaluation process.  

Anna ISD completes a dyslexia screening with all kinder students at the end of the school year and all first grade students at the end of the first semester.  Results of the screening are shared with parents via a letter that is sent home.  If a student is at-risk for dyslexia, then parents are contacted to discuss next steps.  

Dyslexia Therapists


Amber Legg, CALT
Holly Simmons, CALT in Training


Miranda Webb, CALT
Allison Kennedy, LDT, CALT


Selena Tomlin, CALT 
Dondi Anderson, CALT in Training
Kathleen Feller, CALT in Training


DeAnna Beck, CALT
Kailin McWilliams, CALT in Training  

Clemons Creek

Nicole Wilson, CALT

Slayter Creek

Laura Hendrix, CALT


Lauren Hagan, CALT