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Referral Information

Student Referrals

Referrals for the Anna ISD Gifted and Talented Program may be made by parents, teachers, counselors, community members, or peers. Students may be referred for screening each year during designated grade level referral windows. Before requesting a referral, parents are encouraged to review their child’s prior district testing data and reach out to their child’s classroom teacher(s) regarding their child’s academic strengths. Students who meet the district gifted education program criteria are recommended by each campus for participation in the Gifted & Talented program at their campus and final placement decisions are made by the District Gifted & Talented Committee. Program notification letters are mailed to parents by the Gifted & Talented Department. More information on our testing and referral timeline can be found in the GT handbook. 


All kindergarten students are considered for gifted education services; therefore, parents do not need to apply for program participation. The Kindergarten screening process begins in February and is completed by spring break. Kindergarten students that qualify for gifted education begin services during the last 9 week grading period of the school year. 

1st through 12th Grade

The referral window for students in grades 1-5 will open on November 27, 2023. The screening process begins in January 2024 and is completed by the end of April. 1st - 5th grade students that qualify for gifted education begin receiving services the following school year.

Appeal Process

Information on how to appeal a non-placement decision is detailed in the sections below.

  1. A parent or guardian may appeal the placement decision of their student by completing this form, and returning it to the campus administrator or campus GT coordinator within 10 business days of placement notification.
  2. Within ten school days of submission of the appeals form, a date shall be set for parent(s)/guardian to meet with the G/T Committee, which shall consist of the campus G/T coordinator and the campus administrator or designee. During the scheduled meeting with parent(s)/guardian, a further review of the selection criteria and the data collected regarding the student in question shall be conducted by the Gifted/Talented Committee. Additional testing may be conducted during the appeal process to determine eligibility for the G/T program.
  3. Within ten school days following the meeting with parent(s)/guardian, the G/T Committee shall make a majority decision regarding the appeal and notify the appellant.