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Translation & Intrepretation


Translation Request Procedures


Anna Independent School District (AISD) recognizes the crucial role that parents, guardians and families play in the education of their children. AISD encourages partnerships between the district administration, schools and families in order to share the responsibility of educating our students.

To that end, this policy is created to ensure that English learners and parents who speak languages other than English are provided appropriate translation and interpreting services so that families of diverse language backgrounds may fully participate in the education of their children.

School leaders should ensure staff, including front office staff, counselors and teachers know how to access an interpreter or to have documents translated when needed, and how to communicate effectively using an interpreter. Schools should take steps to inform parents that translation and interpretation services are available at no cost and how to request these services. Students, siblings and family friends shall not be used as the district and/or campus interpreter for formal or official information or meetings. 


AISD must collect from parents/guardians a Home Language Survey to determine both students’ and parents’ language needs. To determine the need for interpretation or translation services for English Learner students and their parents/guardians, school staff should refer to the AISD student information system that will indicate the language needs identified in the survey. In addition, parents/guardians who speak a language other than English may request translation and interpretation services for school-related communications at any time, even if they do not specifically identify such need in the Home Language Survey. 

Campus and district departments shall provide translation of essential documents into any non-English language spoken by a limited or non-English proficient population that represents 10% or more of the population served, based on the Home Language Survey. 

Interpretation and Translation

AISD shall ensure that information related to school and family engagement programs, processes, procedures, meetings, and other activities is provided to families in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language they can understand. 

Oral interpretation is provided for families whose primary language is a non-written language, whenever feasible, in order to provide language accessible information. 

Written translation is provided of vital school documents in Spanish. Written translation will be provided for other requested languages as needed and requested to the extent practicable.

Online translation is available on the district website via a Google Translate tool which instantly translates websites to over 100 languages.

Procedures for Requesting Services

Interpretation and translation services listed above are available free of cost to all District staff and students who may request such services directly from the school. Parents will receive translation and interpretation services as indicated in the preceding policies.

Additionally, parents, staff, and students may access language services for school related purposes in any of the following ways:

  • In person - when visiting your child’s school, you can ask for an interpreter that speaks your language. An interpreter can be provided for families at parent conferences, Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) meetings, 504 meetings, Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meetings, and school events as needed. 
  • Over the phone 
    • Call 972-924-1039 to be connected with a Spanish bilingual translator if you have any questions about how to get translation or interpretation services.
    • Automated district communications are automatically sent home in English and Spanish. 
  • Call (972) 924-1039 during regular district business hours.
  • For Spanish bilingual services email a request to 
  • For 504/ARD meeting translation services, email