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Community Resources

At Anna ISD, we understand that each family has unique needs, and we are here to help connect you with the resources and services that can make a difference. From academic support to mental health services, community assistance, and beyond, we aim to ensure you have access to the tools and support you need to thrive.

Explore the links and information below to find resources tailored to your family's needs, or reach out to your campus counselor for personalized assistance. These links are intended as a resource for our families. Anna ISD does not endorse specific agencies and the list is not inclusive of all services available in the region. 


Local Organizations and Resources:

Local Mental Health Authority: LifePath Systems  Crisis Hotline 1-877-422-5939

Local Health Department: Health Care Services of Collin County Call 911 for Medical Emergencies

Food Pantry: Grace Place

Weekend Food Program for Students: Coyote Packs

Shelter: Samaritan Inn


Search General Community and Counseling Resource Service Providers:

Collin Cares

Mental Health Resource Search

Social Services Assistance Hotline Call 211


Searches by Topic:


Substance Abuse: Detox Centers

Substance Abuse: Narcotics Anonymous

Suicide & Crisis Hotline Call or Text 988