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Public Information Requests

In accordance with the Texas Public Information Act (TPIA), Chapter 552 of the Texas Government Code, the Anna Independent School District makes all of its public records available to citizens. 

The TPIA does not require governmental bodies to create new information, perform legal research, or to answer questions. The request must ask for records or information already in existence.

Please note, this is not the appropriate process to request transcripts or education records. Education records, as defined by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (“FERPA”) are confidential and are not subject to the Texas Public Information Act. Therefore, in order to receive education records related to a student, a request must be submitted to the Anna ISD campus the student attends or most recently attended. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.

Charges and Fees

The charge for providing a copy of public information shall be an amount that reasonably includes costs related to reproducing the public information, including costs of materials, labor, or overhead [section 552.261].  The Anna ISD will provide an itemized estimate of charges when the expected fees of providing information will exceed $40.00 [section 552.2615].

Public Information Requests can be sent as follows:

U.S. Mail or In-Person
Anna ISD
Attn: Public Information Request
501 S Sherley Ave
Anna, TX 75409

Email Public Info The subject heading should be Public Information Request or Open Records Request

Online Form: Please use this link to submit a Public Information Request form


First page of the PDF file: PublicInformationRequestCalendar24-25