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Distribution of Non-School Related Material

Anna ISD does not distribute physical flyers or materials on behalf of external organizations. However, we support our community by sharing information from local, not-for-profit, tax-exempt entities (such as charitable, educational, registered non-profits, and governmental agencies) or non-income-generating community groups and individuals. Eligible organizations can submit their content for consideration to be included in our campus newsletters. Please contact the respective campus for submissions.

Flyer Approval Guidelines

Flyers made available to AISD schools and students shall meet the following criteria:

  • Be directed to students
  • Be age-appropriate
  • Come from an agency or group that is a local, not-for-profit, tax-exempt entity (charitable, educational, registered non-profit, governmental etc.) or non-income generating community group or individual.
  • Include contact information - a telephone number, Website link, and/or email address for further information.
  • If the paper version includes a form to be completed and returned by the family, instructions for where to return the form as well as the organization’s address must be clearly visible.
  • Include the following disclaimer:
    ”Your Organization Name is a non-profit organization. Anna ISD has approved this information for distribution through its schools. The district does not, however, assume responsibility or supervise this non-school sponsored activity or event.”

Flyers will NOT be approved that:

  • Come from a self-employed individual/contractor consultant or for-profit entity seeking to advertise or recruit participants/customers in connection with the service, activity or product offered by the person/entity.
  • Solicit participation in or support for an activity which is sponsored by a company or for-profit entity seeking to advertise a product or service or encourage the purchase or use of a product or service (a ‘free seminar, ‘free trial offers')
  • Include raffles or fundraisers seeking to sell products.
  • Include any activity, product or service that is generally open to the public at large as an income-generating or for-profit business activity.
  • Include any activity that is not specifically for school-age students.
  • Solicit participation in research or related activities.